Top 4 Things to Do in Gatlinburg That Make it Feel Like Home

gatlinburg overlook

Gatlinburg is a lovely place to visit, and it won’t take much once you arrive for it to feel like home. You may have initially decided to visit based on the amount of fun touristy things to do in Gatlinburg, but there are also amazing things to do that will make you feel like a local. Let us explain by showing you 4 things you can accomplish here that will only grow your love for this area.

1. Take an Early Morning Walk

By taking an early morning walk, you’ll be stunned by how quiet the usually hectic Parkway is. If you ask us, this is the best time of day to really take advantage of your vacation before you begin your list of things to do in Gatlinburg. It’s not always about cramming all of your planned activities into a few days when one of the best parts about vacation is getting to relax. Breathe in the cool, crisp mountain air as you walk downtown; you’ll get addicted to the feeling that you crawled out of bed in your temporary home and went on with your daily routine!

2. Eat at a Local Favorite

stack of pancakes with fruitWhen you want to feel like a local, there’s nothing better than finding that spot that they often visit. We recommend you try ​Little House of Pancakes​ for a feeling of home in more ways than one. You’ll have to get in your car to drive here, but it’s well worth it for their pancakes and hearty breakfast items. Or you can try ​Delauder’s BBQ​, which is a true Southern barbecue place that has no equal when it comes to the food and service. While there’s plenty more local places, it’s hard to find any fault with what’s offered at these fine establishments!

3. Reciprocate the Southern Hospitality

We believe the motto about treating others as you would like to be treated yourself is quite commonplace here. As you start your list of things to do in Gatlinburg, you’ll see how friendly a vast majority of the people are with tourists. It’s a nice gesture just to make small talk with the locals who work hard to make it a place you’ll want to come back and visit. Friendliness is one of the founding principles of Southern hospitality, and you’ll feel like part of the family by returning the favor with every local you meet!

4. Spend the Day in the National Park

laurel falls in the smoky mountainsIt’s hard to take something like ​the Great Smoky Mountains National Park​ for granted when you’re in its presence. The locals love to visit the park just as much as you will, and we think spending most of your day here is another fantastic vacation option. Take a ride through the park on Newfound Gap Road and many other unforgettable routes. You’ll feel at home with the beautiful flowers, waterfalls, and other stunning features that dot the landscape!

The things you can do in Gatlinburg give off a feeling that you can’t describe until you visit; then you can join the number of tourists who already wish it was home. Join us by booking a hotel room so you can get those same wonderful feelings others get when they stay with us!

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